Can I try myArmsCache for FREE?

Yes. myArmsCache offers a FREE 7-Day Trial for new subscribers.

During the free trial, you can access the app and all of the features available.

If you are not satisfied, you can cancel within the designated time frame and pay nothing. If you don’t cancel before the end of the trial, your subscription will automatically renew on a monthly, six month or yearly basis (depending on the subscription you choose).

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What is the difference between the Basic and Premium Membership?

When you subscribe to the Premium Membership, you get access to everything — all of the features in the app with no limits.

The Basic Membership provides access only to the very basic features. You will still have access to bug fixes and improvements made to the app, but not to the new features.

Note: The Basic Membership is no longer being offered.

How much does the myArmsCache subscription cost?

The price of the subscription can be found on the myArmsCache app page in the App Store.

Can I sync my data between devices?

Although myArmsCache is available for the iPhone and iPad, it does not sync data between devices.

Every year, I have a yearly survey where users can vote on features they want to see added to the app, and sync data gets less than 20% of the votes.

The app does have options for copying data to a second device. You can find the details here

How do I backup my data?

There are a number of ways you can backup your data.

See my article on Instructions for Backing Up Data for your options and instructions for each.

How do I export the data for all my guns?

To export a list of all your guns, go to the Support and select “Export Data”. Please note, that this will only export the data and not your photos. The CSV files can be viewed with a Spreadsheet Program like Excel or Numbers.

I just bought a new device (iPad, iPhone, iPod), will I lose my data?

It is important that you back up your current device first before attempting to transfer data to your new device. Please read my article: Getting a New Device? Here’s what you NEED to know

How do I submit a feature suggestion?

When you’re a Premium Member and join the Premium Member Email List, you will have the option to submit feature requests and vote on new features being added to the app.

Is there an Android version?

No, myArmsCache is only available for iOS Devices. I currently don’t have any plans to create an Android version of the app. I appreciate your interest!