myArmsCache Book
For those of you that don’t want to have your firearm information in an app, I recently created a book that enables you to record detailed information about your firearms.
Click the button below to go to and purchase the myArmsCache Book (paid link)

Whether you’re a serious firearms collector, a novice, or somewhere in between, myArmsCache has everything you need to keep track of your firearms, gun maintenance, time at the range, and gun parts.
About the Book:
This book provides an easy, organized, and convenient way for you to record details on each of your firearms. Having documented details about your firearms can help you in the event of a theft, fire, or other situation.
This book was created by the maker of the popular myArmsCache app. Similar to the app, this book provides the necessary fields to help you record details on your firearms, including maintenance and repairs, and time at the range.
Book Summary:
This book provides an easy and convenient way for you to keep detailed records on your firearms, acquisition and disposition, maintenance and repairs, time at the range, and gun parts.
- Guns: Keep detailed information on up to 50 Guns
- Maintenance: Keep Maintenance Records for each of your Guns
- Range: Record details of your time at the range so you can keep track of how many rounds you put through your gun
- Parts: Keep detailed information on your gun parts
The following sections are included in this book (see sample pages for each below):
Gun Summary: Use this section to keep a summary of your guns, their value, the amount you paid, and the amount you sold them for.
Guns: Keep detailed information on up to 50 Guns, including model, manufacturer, serial number, manufacture date, gun value, purchase details, sale details, and more.
Maintenance: Keep track of the maintenance and repairs for your gun, including date, type of maintenance, and maintenance details (additional maintenance sheets are available in the back of the book)
Range Report: Keep track of your time at the range. You can record the date, range, weather, distance, accessory, ammo, and # of rounds (additional range report sheets are available in the back of the book)
Parts: record details about your gun parts, including part name, manufacturer, finish, part details, store where purchased, item #, date purchased, and amount paid.

- 6″ x 9″ Soft Cover Book
- Pages for 50 Firearms (there is a photo page, gun details page, maintenance page, and range report page for each firearm)
- Keep details on up to 36 Gun Parts
- Extra Maintenance Pages
- Extra Range Report Pages
Buy the myArmsCache Book
Click the button below to go to and purchase the myArmsCache Book (paid link)