Here are details on how to use myArmsCache to keep track of your Ammo.
Adding/Editing Ammo
You only need to add a particular ammo to the app once — when you buy additional amounts of that ammo, you can add them to that record.
Add New Ammo:
- Go to the Ammo Section of the app and tap the ‘+’ button (top right).
When you purchase additional amounts of that ammo, you don’t need to add a new record — you can add them to that record.
Add Additional Ammo:
- Go to the Ammo Section.
- Select the ammo from your Ammo List.
- Once you are on the details screen, tap on the field under Purchase Details. You’ll be taken to a screen that lists the purchase details for that ammo.
- On the Purchases screen, you can add additional ammo by tapping the ‘+’ button (top right).
Edit Ammo:
- Select the ammo from the Ammo List.
- Once you are on the details screen, tap on the field under Purchase Details. You’ll be taken to a screen that lists the purchase details for that ammo.
- On the Purchases screen, tap the “Edit” button (top right) to edit the ammo purchase details, including the ammo quantity.
Add to Ammo Archive:
If you have ammo you no longer use — but still want to keep the details, you can add it to the Ammo Archive.
- Go to the Ammo Section
- Select the ammo you no longer use
- Once you’re on the Details screen, tap the ‘action’ button (bottom right)
- Select “Move Ammo to Archive”
You can view the Ammo that has been added to the archive by tapping the cabinet button (bottom left) on the main Ammo List screen.
Keeping Track of Rounds
Whether you want to keep track of rounds you shot at the range, rounds you gave away, or rounds you sold, the only way for the app to subtract those rounds from your ammo is by creating a Range Report.
For more details on the Range Report and how it works, you can visit