Thank you for submitting your new feature ideas for myArmsCache!

There were a number of features suggested that are already included or aren’t possible to add to the app, so they were not added to the survey — I included all of the details below.

As a reminder, myArmsCache is not designed for business use –it doesn’t have the security features or backup systems typically needed for business use. The app is intended for entertainment purposes only. For more details, read the Terms of Use.

Also, please make sure you are backing your data. There are a number of options available. You can find the details here: Instructions for Backing Up Data.

Print/Export Information

Send details to your Insurance Company / Ability to print information and pictures / Export Inventory to PDF or .xlsx / Send a text or email of the individual gun file.

The app provides 2 options for exporting data:

1. EXPORT CSV FILE: You can export a CSV File that contains your data (excluding your images). The CSV can be opened with a spreadsheet program like Excel or Numbers. 

How: Go to the Options Section and select Export Data.

2. SAVE DETAILS AS A PDF: You can save a PDF with the details (including images) of individual items you can email or print. 

How: Select the item you want, when you’re on the Details screen, tap the ‘action’ button (bottom right). Then select Save Details as PDF.


Storing Forms and Documents in the app. Add a new section to the app where one can log completed training classes and log certifications earned.

Although I can see the convenience of having this as an option. If your device is lost or stolen, or if you’re unable to restore from backup, you will lose your documents, so I’m not comfortable adding this to the app. This app is not the place to store documents and forms — you should store important forms and documents in a more secure way.

Ammo / Rounds

Sold Feature Added to Ammo / Ability to Hide Ammo

If you have ammo you no longer use, you can add it to the Ammo Archive.

How: Select the ammo you no longer use, then tap the ‘action’ button (bottom right), then select “Move Ammo to Archive”.

You can view the Ammo that has been added to the archive by tapping the cabinet button on the main Ammo List screen.

Ability to add more Ammo to the existing ammo

How: You only need to add a particular ammo to the app once — then, when you buy additional amounts of that ammo, you can add it to that record.

Select the ammo from the Ammo List. Once you are on the details screen, tap on the field under Purchase Details. You’ll be taken to a screen that lists the purchase details for that ammo.

Add Ammo: On the Purchases screen, you can add additional ammo by tapping the ‘+’ button (top right).

Edit Ammo: On the Purchases screen, you can edit the ammo purchase and edit the ammo quantity.

Direct way to modify/edit ammo quantity / Edit my ammo amounts / Add a way to adjust ammo numbers.

You can edit the number of rounds for your ammo.

How: Select the ammo from the Ammo List. Once you are on the details screen, tap on the field under Purchase Details. You’ll be taken to a screen that lists the purchase details for that ammo.

Edit Ammo: On the Purchases screen, you can edit the ammo purchase and edit the ammo quantity.

Easy way to subtract rounds without attaching to a particular firearm.

If you just want to edit the quality of ammo you have on hand, you can use the steps above to edit your ammo purchase.

If you want to keep a total of the rounds you purchased and the rounds you shot, you will need to create a Range Report.

When creating a Range Report, you don’t need to add a Gun, you can simply create one report that you can use to subtract Ammo.


  1. Create a Range Report – instead of entering the name of a range, you can enter the month or year. For example, you can enter 2024 as the range name. Then, use this one record to subtract ammo. You’ll do this by creating a Shooting Record.
  2. Create a Shooting Record: After you add the details for the range name, tap the +Shooting Record button in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This is where you’ll select the ammo and number of rounds used. You don’t need to complete any of the other fields. You can only add one type of ammo to a Shooting Record, so you’ll need to create a new Shooting record for each instance of Ammo you use.

For more details on the Range Report and how it works, you can visit

Add a field for round count. I keep a running total of how many rounds fired for every gun for maintenance purposes. 

The number of rounds you put through your guns is automatically calculated.

How: The app is designed so that when you add a Range Report and Shooting Record and attach your Gun and Ammo, it will automatically attach those details to your Gun. For more details on the Range Report and how it works, you can visit

Gun Section

Permit multiple calibers to be assigned to a firearm

If you want multiple calibers assigned to a gun, you can do that.

How: When adding a gun, tap the caliber field. Once you are on the Select Caliber screen, tap the ‘+’ button (top right) and add what you want.

You can also use the Name field to add the caliber details.

I would like to be able to be able to custom sort guns and other data. 

This isn’t possible. You can sort your guns by Manufacturer, Model, Type of Gun, Action, Caliber, and Finish. If you have multiple guns that are the same and want them sorted in a particular order, you can change the info in one of those areas. For example, you can add a number or letter after the model to differentiate it from the other guns with that same model. 

Add different “tabs” to further separate the pages into lists such as Handguns & PCC, Rifles, Shotguns (similar to what is already on the Parts and Shopping List pages).

Unfortunately, there are too many options for potential tabs to add — and how would I decide which items should have tabs? Everyone uses the app differently, so this isn’t an option I would be comfortable adding.

Assign parts to more than 1 gun

The parts section is designed for people who build guns, so the database was designed so you can only add a part to one gun.

A section that can save diagrams of firearm breakdowns.

The app really isn’t meant for this purpose. If this is an important feature, there are other apps in the app store that do this.

Way to differential NFA Items / I would like to see another way to describe/ categorize guns. I would like to see a way to identify guns by: Modern, Military, Antique, C&R/Collectible, NFA, Personal Built, etc.

You can actually do all of that with Tags. You can create a Tag or Tags and assign them to your items.

How: When adding an item, tap on the Tags field. You can add one or more Tags to each item.

The Tags apply globally to the app, so you can add the same Tag to items on every list in the app (Guns, Ammo, Accessories, Parts).

View Tags: To view the items assigned to a particular Tag, go to the Lists section of the app and select Tags. When you select the Tag, you will see all the items that have been assigned to that Tag.

Range Checklist

Make an option to “Complete” the list then have it port automatically to the Range report section.

This isn’t possible for a number of reasons. For example, if someone has 3 different types of ammo or 3 guns added to the Range Checklist. You can only add one gun and one ammo to the Shooting Record, so it would be difficult for the app to decide which item to add.

Range Report

Add ability to be able to tag malfunction types i.e. Bad Primer, Ejection Failure, etc.

The Shooting Record includes the ability to add details about Malfunctions. When adding malfunctions, you can add the number of malfunctions and the details about them.

Add a google maps tether and it set to show the nearest range

I value your privacy, and adding this would mean that I would need to give the app the ability to access your location data — which isn’t something I am comfortable doing.

Make the distance and time of day auto-populate after the initial input.

Everyone uses the app differently, so I am not comfortable auto-populating fields.

Range Report: Ability to add multiple ammo / multiple accessories

The way the database was designed, you can only add one gun, one ammo, and one accessory to each Shooting Record. For more details on the Range Report, you can visit

If a caliber is assigned to a firearm, then only display that caliber ammo when creating range sessions. Eliminating having to scroll through all ammo to get to correct caliber.

Although that is a good idea, everyone uses the app differently. There are too many variables to account for, so I hesitate to add this option.

Here’s what you can do: on the Select Ammo screen, you can sort your Ammo by Caliber, Brand, and Favorites (so if there’s an ammo you use all the time, you can add it to your Favorites list so it will come up first).

Misc Suggestions

Sort by Store

You can sort your items by store in the Purchase Report section and also in the Lists section.


Purchase Report: Go to the Purchase Report section and sort the list by Store.

List Section: Go to the List section, select Store, then select the Store you want to view. This will show you all the items purchased at that particular store.

More photos / The ability to add more than (5) total pictures and the ability to download these pictures.

When adding features and abilities to the app, I have to consider all users and their experience using the app. There are some people who are using the app that have old devices that wouldn’t be able to handle the storage requirement of storing so many pictures. 

Ability to move an item from one list to another

This isn’t possible because each section has different fields. For example, the fields in the Accessories section are completely different from the fields in the Gun section, so there would be no way to account for all of the data, so moving items from one list to another isn’t possible.


If you have any questions, you can contact me through the app by going to the Support section and selecting Email Developer.